Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I soooo owe the trashmen

My mother-in-law and sister-in-law are here. They both did what they do so well. In fact, I am pretty sure it is in their job descriptions.

In a nutshell - they spoiled them rotten on Christmas day! It was a joy to watch how happy they were.*

The carnage that was produced was a bit overwhelming. that ripping paper and tearing into boxes was produced was a bit overwhelming. But, I'm sure they expect that amount of trash bags and boxes the week after Christmas at the curb.

I don't think our Christmas carnage was any worse than most of the homes on our street.

Well, at least it wouldn't have been. Except for K-Mart pulling this doozy.

As part of teaching our children what the season is really about and that giving should always feel better than receiving we took gifts to a local nursing home. I ordered 30 pairs of slipper socks. If you could count all the boxes stacked up against my front door, can you guess what the number would be?

Thirty! Thirty freaking boxes containing one pair of slipper socks each. The amount of protective packaging was more insane than the number of boxes.

They are sock for the love of Pete! Two of those boxes could have easily held all of the socks.

The trash men will be getting another big plate of cookies from me on the next trash day.

*Except for the breakdown Taylor had when she saw the horse that went with McKinley's American Girl doll. But, I have edited that out of my warm Christmas memories.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing the picture of some of your fun European finds - Armin, Christmas goods, antiques from the Captain...good times.
