Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Olympic coverage

This is for me the most enjoyable Olympic coverage. Of course, I react with utmost enthusiasm when Team USA wins a medal.

Thanks to our three previous years in Italy, I have found myself finding excitement in seeing certain competitors not from the US win. I nervously watched as Magdelena Neuner skiied across the finish line to win the gold in the biathlon. I let out a little "whoop!" and the girls asked who won what.

"I know why we were happy about the Italian winning a medal in the scary sled thing, because we lived in Italy. I get that. But, why are we happy about the German lady?" asked McKinley. "She's from Garmisch," I replied. "Where we went on those vacations? And, stayed in the cabin and built a snowman for Reagan's birthday!?" she asked with a glint in her eye.

Once it sunk in to all three of the girls that we had been in her hometown, probably at least once while she was there, that we had built snowmen from the very same snowfall that blanketed her family home's yard, we had to rewind and watch her performance.

The girls were riveted. I see skis and guns in our near future. Now, if the Air Force would agree to send us to Garmisch for the next several years, I could have some future Olympians on my hands.

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